jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007

last night i dreamed to you

you owner of my nights
you owner of my days

last night I dreamed to you
we walked together

it watched to you while
you laughed, and your to watch absent
you were not of this world....

last night my tears
did not perfume the silence air
watching your image
it closed my eyes
and you were so inside....

you the wind
you my fatigue
you my breath

finally, the day penetrated
finally in the stay, the sadness overwhelmed my soul
tears drew your face in the pillow
thousand words by your name
Bill Kaulitz, Bill Kaulitz, bill kaulitz........
so single a drowned voice.......
Bill Kaulitz, Bill kaulitz.......

And at the end of the day, single your smile saves to me.
and tended alone........
broken, undone and hurt
child who walk in the shades......

For Bill Kaulitz.
so that never will walk in the shades, if your voice and your songs guide me forever.

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